Sunday, March 30, 2014

Join the Official Street Team!

First of all can I just say how cool is it that someone would want to put together a street team for me? WOW!
I can't say this enough. I have the BEST readers EVAH!!!  

Thank you so much to the awesome admins, Christina Garner Staggs, Astin Brooks, Delashawne Hodgson.

Have you read my books and want to help get the word out about them? Be part of the team and get some exciting benefits for it!

Here is the quote posted directly from the FB group dedicated to the Street Team.

Whether you have read one or ALL of Elizabeth Reyes' books, you are more than likely dying to share it with the world. Well, how would you like for the amazing Elizabeth Reyes to share her world with you?
As a member of Elizabeth Reyes' Street Team you hold the golden ticket. This is where members get...
*The inside scoop...Sneak peeks, blurbs, info on new books way before everyone else
*Personal Interaction with Elizabeth
*Giveaways open to just street team members

***How you can help***
Being a member gives you first hand access and you get the jump on spreading the word. Telling friends and family, posting honest reviews etc. You're not just a member, you're participating.
***How to join***
You can either have a member add you or you can head on over to the Facebook page and request to join the group called Elizabeth Reyes' STREET TEAM. Here's the direct link: 

If you don't have a facebook account you can still participate by emailing the admin of the group at cgstaggs73(at)yahoo(dot)com

Again I just want to say I'm so excited and appreciate the effort already put into getting this together. I can hardly wait to share the first sneak peek/inside scoop for street team member's eyes only!  I wrote it this weekend. Here's a hint of who it might be about. "I got this!" ;)   




  1. Omg this is awesome!!!

  2. I'm excited too! AND extremely humbled! =D

  3. I am way excited about this. I love all your books that I have read. I could just eat Angel up with a spoon!

  4. naon nya, duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen, ngan duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen, ngan duka erek ngetik naon ieu teh, bingung eung, bingung na duka kunaon puguh gen, da hayang ngetik wen

    Cara Menghilangkan Nyeri Pinggang Cara Menyembuhkan ISK Secara Alami Cara Mengatasi Rasa Nyeri Di Dada Sebelah Kiri Cara Mengatasi Kulit Kering & Bersisik Cara Menyembuhkan Rhinitis Secara Alami Cara Alami Mengatasi Payudara Bengkak & Nyeri Cara Menghilangkan Benjolan Di Penis Obat Gabagen Cara Mengatasi Campak Pada Anak Secara Alami Cara Menyembuhkan Sangkadi
