Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Stories.

Working hard to get more of my stories on here. I had no idea how much work this would be. Still not having too much luck getting people to follow the actual blog. Not sure if makes that big a difference since they are following on FB. hmm we'll have to wait and see on that. I'm so not techy saavy that I'm not even sure if this post will update on my FB. If so for those of you who have liked my page, can I ask that you please take a moment and click on follow this blog here on the blog? lol So pathetic.. I'll get better at this I'm sure.


  1. Hi Eli, I just clicked the follow this blog. Congrats You are on your way. Loving your style, I wish you much successes and the more exposure the better.

  2. Thank you! I'm getting more and more excited about this. Thanks for the support! =D
