
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cover reveal and blurb to When You Were Mine

Here it is!

When You Where Mine 
(A Moreno Brother's novella)

When her head was screaming “enough,” her hopeful heart continued to whisper “wait.” 

It's the only way Valerie Zuniga can justify her ongoing addiction to the amazing but ever, elusive Alex Moreno. Mesmerized by the profound connection neither has ever quite understood, Valerie  accepts their crazy relationship for what it is—non-exclusive. 

That is until the incredible highs no longer numb the sting of the intense lows. 
As tasteless and slippery as pride can be, for Alex it's always been the hardest pill to swallow.  

Faced with a final ultimatum, the choice is a no-brainer for Alex. Despite his insanely busy life he's determined to prove to Valerie, that not only is he ready to commit, it's what he's always wanted—to claim Valerie as his exclusively.  

But just as it kept him from admitting his real feelings all those years, will his obstinate pride once again step in and ruin things just when they're finally getting it right?  

Release date: As of right now I can only say August 2014 but it COULD be sooner. Stay tuned I'll be sure to make an announcement as soon as I know. In the mean time, 

If you haven't read the teaser yet here it is. But I'll have new ones coming in the next week!

"Why are you here?" she demanded.

"I wanna talk to you?" he asked hopefully.

"No," her response was too quick—abrupt. "I'm busy now. Try me another time."

Okay maybe he deserved that. But he knew she wasn't busy. He knew he had to convince her to hear him out. Alex was determined to say everything he came here to say to her tonight. And then he saw it. The movement behind her. His eyes zeroed in on a guy sitting at her small kitchen table looking equally as relaxed as Valerie texting something on his phone and there were two glasses of wine on the table. 

Alex took him in for another second from top to bottom as the slow boil inside him began to bubble. The guy put his phone down then reached for the bottle of wine and poured them each a little more. 

On instinct Alex put his hand on the door in case she even thought of trying to slam the door on his face. That wasn't happening now. And any hope of this night ending amicably like he'd been optimistic about was instantly squashed. He turned to Valerie whose earlier incensed eyes looked a little panicked now. "Who the fuck is that?"  

When You Were Mine 
is the prequel to

The USA Today and Amazon top 100 Best
selling novel in the Moreno Brother's series.  

Share and win a signed copy of 
Always Been Mine!


  1. Yaaaay I cant wait!! I have read and loved everything you've written. I've been having major withdrawls. :)

  2. Shared on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+!!
    Love the cover and excerpt!! Can't wait!!
