
Monday, May 21, 2012

Gio is now availble on Amazon and B&N!

Happy Teaser Tuesday to you!

Fingers crossed that Amazon and B&N wont keep teasing you by taking forever to make live. =/

As I mentioned before I don't really have another juicy teaser that won't give too much away. So let me give you the blurb again so you can get a refresher on the plot.

  When tragedy strikes in the ring, Giovanni Bravo falls into a deep depression, walking away from his dream of boxing to train instead. He agrees to a two month get-away, helping train Felix Sanchez, his high school best friend and now welterweight champ of the world. Once at Felix’s lavish boxing complex, he’s reunited with Bianca Rubio, someone he remembers only as the girl with the innocent doe eyes back in high school. Her refreshing, cheerful demeanor not only takes Gio’s mind off his troubled conscience, he finds himself falling for her fast and hard. The problem—Bianca is Felix’s girlfriend.

Having a sexy, famous boyfriend has its perks, but they come with a price. Bianca not only has to deal with the ongoing tabloid rumors about her boyfriend hooking up with other women, but also his constant absence when he is on the road. So now that Felix will be in town for two whole months to train for his next big bout, Bianca is thrilled. He’s even asked her to move into his cabin while he's there. But when he leaves for days at a time to promote his fight, Bianca spends time getting to know Felix’s gorgeous new trainer and good friend, Gio. Increasingly drawn to his sweet smile and smoldering green eyes, she finds herself saying and doing things she normally wouldn’t.

As it becomes more and more difficult for each to resist the other, Gio crosses the line between them. He hopes that one kiss will alleviate the overwhelming temptation and clear both their systems, but it does just the opposite. Their temptation suddenly becomes an obsession—a dangerous obsession that can only lead to heartache—for everyone

Okay okay. One final LITTLE teaser. 

Set up: They've been invited to dinner at Noah and Roni's. Everyone is present.  

Gio’s eyes locked with Bianca’s a few times as the dinner went on. At first, he thought he’d imagined it. Maybe she’d just looked his way and their eyes had just so happened to stop at the same time. But it happened several times after that. As nervous as it made him that someone might notice he could not bring himself to stop looking her way.
She may as well have been glowing because regardless of where his eyes focused in an effort to keep them off her she always stayed in his peripheral view. He was aware of her every movement. Anytime she lifted her glass or wiped her mouth was reason enough to look her way. It came as a bit of a surprise, but it was almost annoying too that he had so little control over something so simple—staying focused on whoever was speaking.  What surprised him most was how indiscreet she was. Thankfully Felix was too busy yapping and catching up with the guys to notice her wandering eyes.

 This picture is SO perfect only both their hair is actually darker than this but the scene, the way he's looking at her. *sigh* I just had to post again! =)  

Available NOW on B&N Still waiting on Amazon! 



  1. Eeeep! I'm using this as my Waiting on Wednesday post, but I guess it might be up by then???

  2. yay!!! totally made my day, month actually! c'mon amazon and B&N! don't keep us waiting! all us Elizabeth Reyes fans are not patient people ;)
    btw: congrats Elizabeth!!!!

  3. Now on amazon!! :) *jumping up and down*

  4. I just finished reading the book. It was so good i couldnt put it down. Yay!!!

    1. =) First few feed backs! I was SOOOOOO WORRIED!!

  5. Still not on Amazon UK

  6. It's LIVE on Amazon!!!! I just bought it.

  7. i absolutely LOVED Gio!! I was nervous the entire time i was reading it! i was like "omg what will happen next?!"
    I also loved how noah always had Gio's back no matter what. Like always ABSOLUTELY great book miss Reyes!!
    the only negative part: I finished it already!! i couldn't put it down (only out of necessity haha) so i read it in 2 days.
    now I'm anxiously waiting for Vince and Rose's story. Till that time comes ill just re-read Noah and Gio and then start over with the beautiful Moreno Brothers :)

    1. I read your review thank you so much!! REALLy appreciate you taking the time to do that and SO happy you enjoyed! <3

  8. Finally, Amazon! Perfect timing for my long weekend. I am going to reread Noah tonight and start on Gio by tomorrow morning. :) Can't wait...

  9. Elizabeth, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Gio. I am just luxuriating in the wonderful afterglow of a delicious book. I ended up not re-reading Noah, because I couldn't concentrate. My mind was already wandering over to Gio. So, I started it last night around 12 and finished it this morning, a little after 5:30am. I simply LOVED it! Gio is just hot and I loved their romance. I was excited and nervous with every page I turned. I love reading your books. Thank you!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! I had a blast writing it! <3 As always thanks for the feedback. I LOVE hearing from you guys!

  10. Dearest Elizabeth: you Girl keep on doing it ! I love GIO <3 <3 endless hearts!!! omg as much as I love the Morenos now I don't know wich one to pick I love all the stories, but this one had me on a constant worry about how GIO and Bianca were going to fight for the love they felt for each other !!! Couldn't put down for a single minute not even to take bathrooms breaks lol!!! My Rate ***** Abso-fucking-lutely
    Worth the wait!!! ;)

  11. Your dedicated fan Barb forgot to mention my name I got to excited !!! :)

  12. Thank you Barb!! SO excited that you enjoyed and very excited about what's to come! =)
